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2022 Baltac Boat Concert

July 27th 2022

Concert Details from Brett Wilson...

What: The #BrettBrettBaltacBoatConcert - a concert broadcast to boats offshore the Baltac Boat launch via FM Radio 88.5.
Who: Hosted by me (W.Brett) and the one and only Brett Kissel.
Where: The Baltac Boat launch area (there will be no way to view the concert from shore).
When: Sunday, July 31st from 7:30pm - 9:30pm ish… (weather dependent!)
Why: To support The Columbia Valley Community Foundation's Community Fund. Since sponsors are covering all of the costs of this show - we ask each person attending to make a (meaningful to them) donation via:
(note - we would encourage each boat to consider a collective donation of $500 - $1000).
Other: The concert will be weather permitting (wind is our only concern now) and everyone must follow all BC boating laws, rules and regulations. The RCMP will be assisting on the water to ensure everyone’s safety.
More Other: The Lake in front of the boat launch is about 2 miles across and 5 miles (line of site) long - there is lots of room for everyone - we ask that people spread out and enjoy the evening without crowding. 


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