
Events & More

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There are some community events every year that will give you the opportunity to meet neighbours and make new community friends.

Annual AGM for Timber Ridge

The AGM is held annually.  Community members are encouraged to come out, meet the volunteer Board and their many neighbours in the Timber Ridge community.  

July – Timber Ridge Day

On the first Saturday, after the Calgary Stampede ends, Timber Ridge Day is held.  It is a family event, hosted by a group of Timber Ridge Volunteers and, held at the beach park.  There are fun family races, games, music, food and beverages for all.

December – Winter Skating and Pond Hockey Celebration

Held down at the beach and hosted by Timber Ridge Volunteers.  A skating party with fun skating and pond hockey takes place in the afternoon, complete with hot chocolate and cookies.  It is a great event that brings families together to enjoy fun holiday festivities.